Ahoy there...! You are alone, lost in a tropical world. Explore your ship and the surrounding islands to survive. Can you find the hidden tunnels? Journey with your friends this winter season to a tropical world. Can you survive with limited resources in the warm sunny weather?
Features include: realistic 17th century battle ship with interiors, large custom terrain with outlying tropical islands, underground hideaway tunnels with hidden loot, and an abandoned tropical lighthouse.
Please note: this map should not be redistributed without credit given and a direct link to the MCPE DL page and/or our website's product page.
Who are we? CrackedCubes is a UK-based design and consultancy studio working with Minecraft to bring you worldly experiences. Gaming, creativity, and player experiences have been, and will continue to be, a way to escape reality! For more information about us, watch our promo trailer below
Where is the hidden underground tunnels located
i blow it up and put some better loot and mob spanwers to make it a struesure and it was fun blowing it up