Diamond Bullet

Diamond Bullet

Published on February 7, 2023
By admin
👁️‍🗨️ 4396 243 ❤️ 1


Diamond Bullet Diamond Bullet Diamond Bullet Diamond Bullet Diamond Bullet


Are you a fan of first-person shooter games? If so, then you’re in for a treat with Diamond Bullet – the latest minigame to hit Minecraft!

Diamond Bullet is a first person shooter minigame in Minecraft. Kill enemies or team up with friends. Choose your best loadout in the arena.

Diamond Bullet is an intense and action-packed game that puts your shooting skills to the test. You take on the role of an elite soldier who must battle their way through hordes of enemies as they attempt to complete various objectives. With its fast-paced gameplay and challenging levels, it’s sure to keep even experienced gamers on their toes.

So what are you waiting for? Grab some friends (or go solo) and get ready to experience one of Minecraft's most exciting additions yet: Diamond Bullet – First Person Shooter Minigame!.

I use the Minecraft tools as a gun. Sneak/Shift to shoot/use

#### [Railgun ]
- Damage: 6
- Range: 48 blocks
- Effects: knockbacks entities

#### [Rifle ]
- Damage: 6
- Range: 48 blocks
- Effects: none

#### [Sniper ]
- Damage: 25
- Range: 48 blocks
- Effects: none
Download: Diamond Bullet Mods for Minecraft PE
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