God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update!

God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update!

Published on November 16, 2022
By admin
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God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update! God Of War Addon 1.3 FIX Update!


This addon is based on the playstation game "God Of War" where you will find many new textures, sounds, music, mobs and more !!!

This project is focused on bringing the essence of the original video game, music, enemies, gods, etc ...

All the textures found there and mobs were created by my El Sando, there are some that were free and free to use which I found in different free texture pages, if you see one that you have seen before it is for the reason that it is free to use .


To play my addon you must put your world in EXPERIMENTAL mode to be able to play it, since it adds more, it does not replace mobs, textures, MUSIC and much more !!!
All of these new mobs spawn naturally in biomes, similar to the original God Of war game.
At the beginning you can make the decision to be kratos or be yourself, since now you are a God, you have too much life and strength.

#### Performance Glitches?
If the performance in the game is difficult, remove in world obtions “mob generation” and put this command in the chat bar “/ Kill @ e” that way it will make the game more fluid. But you must put the mobs yourself personally.

#### [New weapons](mc://image/god-of-war-addon--phase-one_3.png) and [armors:](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_2.jpeg)
You will find new weapons with textures very similar to the original game, Among the new weapons you will find the leviathan ax which replaces the trident, if you put the spell on it the ax will return to you just like in the original game !!!
You will also find the swords of chaos and the bow of Atreus You will also find new swords and axes that will be used by the Draugr.

Among the new armor you will find the skins of kratos, giving you resistance and a lot of life.

#### New Trades:
[Sindri and Brok](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_4.jpeg)

[Sindri :](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_5.jpeg)

In terms of trade, sindri is the most noble and cheapest, it will not ask you as many things as brok does

more grumpy and unkind brock, they give you good rewards but it won't come cheap
They will give you the most powerful weapons in the game, the swords of chaos and the Leviatan ax.

[Crafting 1 ](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_7.jpeg)

[Crafting 2](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_8.jpeg)

#### Norse mythology

Kratos is a god, he is too strong and agile, you will always find him with his son next to him just like in the original game, [you can tame him](mc://image/god-of-war-addon--phase-one_6.png) with raw salmon just like the son Atreus !!


- Health: 800
- Generate: atreus
- scale: 1.2 (a little more than the player)
- attack: Draugr, troll., zombie, creeper, and more...

Kratos can spawn in two ways, the first is that he wields the Leviathan axe and the other with his chaos swords

#### [Atreus:](mc://image/god-of-war-addon--phase-one_9.png)
Areus is a child but he is still too powerful and much more powerful when he is next to his father since this will always happen, Aredus will always be accompanied by his father Kratos


- Health: 400
- Shoot: arrow ( very fast)
- scale: 0.8
- attack: Draugr, troll., zombie, creeper, and more...

Don't forget that you can make Kratos and Aryus follow you if you give them some raw salmon

[Troll (Dauði Kaupmaðr):](mc://image/god-of-war-addon--phase-one_12.png)

this huge troll monster is very dangerous as it is too big and strong, It is not that fast but every time it attacks you it will generate a slow effect making it more difficult to defeat


- Health: 300
- Hit effect: slow
- scale: 2.5 ( big)
- attack: player, villager, Kratos, Atreus, and more…

If you did not have the power of the gods it would be very difficult to defeat him but as this addon gives you powers you can fight against him a little easier ...


These zombie skeletons are the easiest to defeat, of course if they are alone because if there are many around it will be much more complicated since each hit they give you will give you the effect of wither


- Health: 30
- Equipment: stone axe and sword stone
- scale: 0.5, 1.0,1.2
- attack: player, villager, Kratos, Atreus, and more…

[Dark Elf](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_9.jpeg)

Very dangerous flying creatures, you will usually find them together, they do not have much life but they have too much damage, be careful.


- Health: 13
- Damage: 12
- Effect: Whiter
- scale: 1.0
- attack: player, villager, Kratos, Atreus, and more…

#### [Greek mythology](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_11.jpeg)

Kratos Ghost of Sparta
Here you will find Kratos in his time where he served and hated the gods, his thirst for revenge and power makes him too dangerous even for him.


- Health: 800
- Generate: Spartans
- scale: 1.0
- attack: Draugr, troll., zombie, creeper, player, and more...

#### [Spartans](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_13.jpeg)

Spartans men made for battle will always carry with them their shield and their spear, they are always together
Auuuuu Auuuu Auuuuu!!!


- Health: 40
- Equipment: Shield and Lance
- scale: 1.0
- attack: player, villager, Gods, dragurs, and more…

#### New spartans addon

#### [Minotaurs:](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_15.jpeg)

Fearsome and almost powerful beasts the minotaurs will be semi-bosses just like in the original game


- Health: 180
- Equipment: Minotaur Axe
- scale: 2.0
- attack: player, villager, saprtans, dragurs, and more…

#### Gods and demigods of Olympus
#### [Hades](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_17.jpeg)

hades god of the underworld, a great rival and powerful god who will always want to kill you to keep your soul


- Health: 600
- Damage: 12
- Effect: Whiter
- scale: 4.5
- attack: player, villager, Kratos, Atreus, and more…

#### [Zeus](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_19.jpeg)

zeus father of the gods the great god with powers of lightning and thunder, with unlimited powers and very powerful


- Health: 700
- Shoot: Zeus Thunder
- Teleport.
- scale: 1.2
- attack: player, villager, Kratos, Atreus, and more…

#### [Ares](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_21.jpeg)
ares god of war powerful and enormous kill him so that he gives you his position and you be the god of war


- Health: 550
- Damage: 10
- Effect: Whiter
- scale: 9.0
- attack: player, villager, Kratos, Atreus, and more…

#### [Hercules](mc://image/god-of-war-addon-phase-two_23.jpeg)

hercules wielder of the lion's fists exactly the same as the original game, hercules is too strong and difficult to kill be careful


- Health: 500
- Damage: 10
- Effect: slowness
- scale: 2.0
- attack: player, villager, Kratos, Atreus, and more…

#### Changelog
I just fixed all the mob behaviors, changes in the behaviors like the world spawn and the attack behaviors of the new mobs

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