Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando

Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando

Published on November 16, 2022
By admin
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Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando


The multiverse comes to your Minecraft, play to be spiderman of your universe, or play with your spider-friends in this spider-verse...sinister six confirmed and much more in this addon! addon inspired by the spiderman no way home movie, where you will have the powers of spider man and fight with his villains from the movie! El Sando.

#### [New Functions!!!](mc://image/minecraft-spiderman-no-way-home-addon-el-sando_2.png)
put these functions in the chat to improve the addon experience

- /function IAMSPIDERMAN: He will give you the cobweb throwers and the powers of spider man
- /function iron_spider: Completely equates the custom armor of the iron spider from the movie AND THE SOUND WILL SOUND THE SAME AS THE MOVIE
- /function sinister_six: Spawn the addon sinister six!
- /function spider_verse: Spawn the three spidermans of the addon!
- /function spiderman_andrew: he will give you tobey's spiderman suit
- /function spiderman_tobey: he will give you andrew's spiderman suit
- /function spiderman_tom: he will give you tom's spiderman suit


- There are three new cobweb launchers, According to the image ...
- The first web thrower is a type of shot which hits the target
- The second throwing spider web is more special this when hitting the target will generate a spider web
- The third cobweb launcher will help you swing

### The new mobs!
#### [Spider-Man!](mc://image/minecraft-spiderman-no-way-home-addon-el-sando_6.png)

three spider men that will help you against all these new villains, remember to use the functions to activate them

the three spidermans throw cobwebs in a certain radius of distance


- Health: 800
- Damage: 10
- can destroy cobwebs
- throw cobweb
- scale: 1
- attack: villains

#### [DOCTOR STRANGE](mc://image/minecraft-spiderman-no-way-home-addon-el-sando_8.png)
the supreme sorcerer the cause of all this is here to help you

will launch his magic powers against his targets


- Health: 800
- Damage: 10
- scale: 1
- attack: villains

#### [DOCTOR OCTOPUS](mc://image/minecraft-spiderman-no-way-home-addon-el-sando_9.jpeg)
a powerful villain who will an acara you with the help of his mechanical temptations now has the skin of the movie!


- Health: 800
- Damage: 10
- can destroy cobwebs
- scale: 1
- attack: player, spidermans, citizens, villager, and more...

#### [GREEN GOBLIN](mc://image/minecraft-spiderman-no-way-home-addon-el-sando_10.png)
the worst of all, strong, agile, and intelligent, be careful when you deal with him


- Health: 800
- Damage: 10
- melee punches - throw green goblin bombs
- scale: 1
- attack: player, spidermans, citizens, villager, and more...

#### [SAND-MAN](mc://image/minecraft-spiderman-no-way-home-addon-el-sando_11.png)

Extremely powerful, this supervillain is too powerful to face alone, he will attack you, he can teleport and throw sand

his special ability is to throw sand blocks!


- Health: 800
- Damage: 10
- scale: 2
- attack: player, spidermans, citizens, villager, and more...

#### [ELECTRO](mc://image/minecraft-spiderman-no-way-home-addon-el-sando_13.png)
powerful and fast, use your cobweb launchers to flee from their electric attacks

is able to shoot lightning at the target, be careful!

#### [LIZARD](mc://image/minecraft-spiderman-no-way-home-addon-el-sando_15.png)

This dinosaur wants to kill you, run away from it and strategically attack


- Health: 800
- Damage: 10
- can destroy cobwebs
- scale: 1.2
- attack: player, spidermans, citizens, villager, and more...

#### [VULTURE](mc://image/minecraft-spiderman-no-way-home-addon-el-sando_12.png)
This villain is dangerous, he has a personalized weapon with which he will try to kill you


- Health: 800
- Damage: 10
- melee punches - shoot
- scale: 1
- attack: player, spidermans, citizens, villager, and more...

Download: Minecraft Spider-Man Addon - Doctor Strange! - El Sando Mods for Minecraft PE
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4 months ago

EWartinger29 don’t act like that maybe the mod actually won’t work for him because the mod is still in development at the time

4 months ago

EWartinger29 don't bully anyone!

1 year ago

The mobs are invisible for 1.20.13

1 year ago

Sounds like a U problem😶

1 year ago

hey for some reason i do not have the 3th webshooter so could you maybe redo this maybe
