SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on

SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on

Published on November 16, 2022
By admin
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SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on SpiderMan: Into The CraftingVerse Add-on


To make SpiderMan suits you will require a sewing machine that allows you to make all the homemade suits.

The suit factory will allow you to make weapons and technological SpiderMan suits.

Web shooters (Balancing)

To use the web shooter have the item in your first hand, aim at a solid block and start swinging, to reload ammo of the net shooters you must place the cobweb chargers in the second hand, use the web-shooters, press the button to crouch down and interact.

Web shooter (Shooting)

When using it you shoot web traps, you can also reload it with web chargers.

Web shooters (Venom Symbiote)

To obtain it you must interact with the symbiote capsule, it can be with any web shooter, the difference is that it shoots faster and you will have an infinite web.

#### Symbiote capsule

With this, you can?nbsp; obtain the black suits of spiderman, so far there are only two suits (Ultimate & Raimi), to obtain a black suit you must place the symbiont capsule on the ground and interact with a suit or mask of spiderman in your hand.


### Enemies:
#### [Electro](mc://image/trailer.webp):

- Health: 660
- Shoot lightning at the nearby enemy.

#### [Mysterio](mc://image/denuncia_PNG.webp):

- Health: 80
- Shoot spell balls at the player.
- Summon drones, clones of Mysterio and SpiderMen Zombies in a certain amount of time.
- The Spider-Men Zombies blind and nauseate the player when they are close.
- The drones shoot at the player.
- Mysterio's clones fly, they will throw spell balls at the player and keep Mysterio invisible for a certain amount of time.

#### [Green Goblin](mc://image/bufanda.webp):

- Health: 300
- Launch explosive pumpkins
- Flying
- AoE Damage: 14
- Upon death, he will drop his suit and his pumpkin bombs.

#### Venom:

- Health: 800
- Damage: 8
- Movement: 0.425
- Summons symbiote spikes that will deal 25 damage.
- Upon death, it will drop the Venom symbiote capsule.

#### Venom (Spider-Man 3):

- Health: 300
- Damage: 14
- Movement: 0.25 ​
- Upon death, it will drop the Venom symbiote capsule.

#### Dr Octopus:

- Health: 150
- Damage: 8
- Movement: 0.4
- He will attack with his arms that will do 28 damage.
- When he dies, he will drop his metallic arms

#### Morbius:

- Health: 350
- Damage: 16
- He teleports and flies.

#### Madame Web:

She can be found throughout the world of Minecraft, she can sell you magic items, pumpkin bombs, symbiote weapons, radioactive spider eggs, and pearls that allow you to summon SpiderMan villains.

To summon a villain you will need a pearl of a specific character and the kadavas machine, you interact using the pearl in your hand to the kadavas machine and it will summon an enemy, each enemy will give you a lot of experience and exclusive objects.

#### [Metal legs](mc://image/spiderman-into-the-craftingverse-addon_6.png):

With them you can use them to climb walls without having SpiderMan's powers, you can also attack in an area of enemies removing 20 health, the legs are obtained from the costume making machine, to use it you must place it in the chest armor slot.

#### [Dr. Octopus' metal arms](mc://image/spiderman-into-the-craftingverse-addon_7.png):

They will have the same functions of the metal legs only that those are obtained by defeating Dr. Octopus.

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4 months ago

This SUCKS >:-( There is no sewing machine!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 months ago

I love it cool thx make more!

8 months ago

Thank you so much for this mod, If you want to get Venom just go to the chat thing and write /summon random:venom

8 months ago

how do i get venom
