Teraphobia V11

Teraphobia V11

Published on November 21, 2022
By admin
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Teraphobia V11 Teraphobia V11 Teraphobia V11 Teraphobia V11 Teraphobia V11 Teraphobia V11 Teraphobia V11 Teraphobia V11 Teraphobia V11 Teraphobia V11 Teraphobia V11


(Joseph and New Dimension System)

In this Teraphobic world, monsters reign over it with claws of steel. Some monsters are terribly weak, whilst others are infallibly strong. Every one of them has their unicity, but keep in mind only a few are so friendly. Be warned, for these monsters are just too common.

I cannot elaborate as much as you think I can, for I am on the verge of succumbing to their grasp. You cannot save this world, but you can still live in it. There will be monsters like Minotaurs, Earth Walkers, Sky Nagas, and too many I can't name.

I would advise you to act fast as you can as soon as you enter your world, for they could be everywhere or nowhere. Get some wood and build a shelter immediately. The monsters on this earth have a weakness to silver, so you should go grab some.

Monsters are unpredictable and dangerous. You will need to get used to them. If you want to know of a common monster you may encounter first, that would be a wild ravager. Nobody knows where they came from, so people just assume they haven't been taken by Illagers yet.
Download: Teraphobia V11 Mods for Minecraft PE
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1 month ago

it works, but has alot of bugs with joseph. and the status effect fog.

1 month ago

Does it work on edu?

4 months ago

So cool in nice I agree with pokemon4

4 months ago

It cool

7 months ago

