The Walking Dead Addon

The Walking Dead Addon

Published on November 24, 2022
By admin
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The Walking Dead Addon The Walking Dead Addon The Walking Dead Addon The Walking Dead Addon The Walking Dead Addon The Walking Dead Addon The Walking Dead Addon The Walking Dead Addon


The Walking Dead is a popular American TV drama/horror about surviving in a zombie apocalypse.
This Minecraft add-on is based off of it.
This add-on features 8 guns, and more melee weapons, along with blocks and survival features. Most of the weapons are from the Television show.

Note: Custom guns add-ons are unpredictable, and can break in newer versions, for that reason I decided to replace items.
This add-on is still good for survival worlds, and also good for PvP maps.

# Guns

β€’ Colt 1911 Tac - A handgun chambered in .45 acp
β€’ Colt Python - The iconic revolver, in .357 magnum
β€’ Uzi - A fully automatic compact sub machine gun
β€’ Sawed off shotgun - A double barreled shotgun, but with it's barrel sawed off
β€’ Remington 870 - A 12 gauge pump shotgun
β€’ Norinco Type 56 - A Chinese varient of the Soviet AKM rifle
β€’ M4a1 Carbine - The main assault rifle used by the US Military that uses 5.56
β€’ Remington 700 - A bolt action hunting rifle, in .308

# Melee weapons

β€’ Baseball Bat - A standard bat
β€’ Combat knife - A good knife for combat use
β€’ Hatchet - A small but sharp hatchet
β€’ Machete - A red handled machete
β€’ Fire Axe - An emergency fireman's axe
β€’ Sledge Hammer - A big, heavy, Sledgehammer
β€’ Katana - Michonne's katana
β€’ Barbed Bat - Lucille, Negan's bat.

# Other stuff

β€’ Walkers (zombies) are now faster, but you can still out run them. They are also more deadly, and 4 hits can kill you (no armor)
β€’ Chickens drop the Colt Python revolver, because it isn't in inventory.

* Make sure to put the world you're using it on, into Education Edition so you can use the Colt Python.

In the future, I may add Daryl's crossbow,
Some new blocks, another zombie type, and maybe some armor!

If you enjoy this add-on,
I have more add-ons and maps
On my YouTube channel! (Jxcksonn)

# How to install

β€’ Download and install the McAddon
β€’ Activate both behavior and resource pack in your world settings
β€’ Enable "Education Edition" in the world setting
Download: The Walking Dead Addon Mods for Minecraft PE
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725.26 Kb Download


3 weeks ago

WHY IS THE M4A1 CARBINE SO BIG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 month ago

You shur

3 months ago

this is by FAR the best one. Works on every version to.

5 months ago


5 months ago

it works

5 months ago

it works
