Modern House 10

Modern House 10

Published on May 7, 2023
By DaxesMC
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Modern House 10 Modern House 10


Moderne House Series

A modern house in Minecraft typically features a sleek and minimalist design, with a focus on clean lines and efficient use of space. House with 2 floors and a garage

The first floor of the house is often dedicated to communal areas, such as a living room, dining area, and kitchen. These spaces are designed to be open and airy, with large windows or glass walls to bring in natural light and create a sense of spaciousness. The garage is typically located on the first floor as well, adjacent to the main living area.

The second floor of the house is usually reserved for private areas, such as bedrooms and bathrooms. These spaces are designed to be cozy and comfortable, with a focus on privacy and relaxation. The bedrooms may have large windows or balconies that offer views of the surrounding landscape.

The exterior of the house may feature a combination of materials, such as concrete, wood, and glass. The garage may have a modern, industrial look with a large door or multiple doors, while the main house may have a flat or sloping roof and large windows.

Players can use a variety of blocks and materials to create different textures and patterns, such as polished concrete floors, wood accents, and glass walls. Redstone circuits can be used to create automated doors for the garage and other interactive elements.

Download: Modern House 10 schematic for Minecraft


6 months ago

It says i cant load it up cuz it doesnt have a version

10 months ago

Oh yeah. Also. Make your world. Then do /schematics list When you do that it will show all your schematics. Then do /schematics load _____ After that you do //paste and it might be to much so you can use //undo

10 months ago

You have to get world edit. Go into forge. Press the modpack you want. Press the 3 dots. File>Config>Worldedit>schematics

12 months ago

how do you import to server?

2 years ago


2 years ago

I am not fond that the ground got copied too so it says you need coal and ores that you don't. Also, I am not a big fan of bedrock, since I want to build it in survival.

2 years ago

how to load it in our server


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