Factory Machinery Add-On

Factory Machinery Add-On

Published on January 2, 2023
By admin
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Factory Machinery Add-On Factory Machinery Add-On Factory Machinery Add-On Factory Machinery Add-On Factory Machinery Add-On Factory Machinery Add-On Factory Machinery Add-On Factory Machinery Add-On Factory Machinery Add-On Factory Machinery Add-On


Meet the Factory Machinery Add-On pack! It's a set of blocks you can use to make a sophisticated factory in Minecraft. All the blocks have been designed to be aesthetically pleasing and to blend seamlessly into your Minecraft world.

Get the Factory Machinery Add-On for Minecraft to take your industrial factory to the next level. Build faster and make more products with a wider variety of functional machinery!

A mod for the hit game Minecraft that lets you automate your factory!

This addon contains up to 63 usable blocks (Counting the secondary blocks it has up to 128 different blocks) from quarries of different sizes, robotic arms, batteries, solar panels, electrical wiring, power generators, pipes, conveyor belts, and much more.

This addon contains many different machines, here is a list of all the machines, blocks, mobs, and items:

#### [Electrical Cables]

- Basic cables - Four different.
- Reinforced cables - Four different.
- Smart cable
- high energy cable

#### [Batteries]
- Four different ones plus ten with other functionality.

#### [Power generators]

- Manual generator
- Solar panel
- Power-generating furnace
- Steam engine
- hydroelectric generator
- Nuclear reactor

#### [Pipes and others]
- Pipe - Steam - Lava - Water
- Pipe Valve
- liquid and gas tank
- Liquids Container Connectable

#### [Transportation of items and mobs]

- Conveyor belts
- Conveyor belt Filter
- Mechanical arms - three different
- Conveyor Tube - three different

#### [Resource extractors]

- Quarrys - three different.
- Drill
- Woodcutter
- Liquid pump
Download: Factory Machinery Add-On Mods for Minecraft PE
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2 years ago

Doesnt work
