Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity)

Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity)

Published on November 16, 2022
By admin
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Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity)


After more than a year or so, Umäk is back. This time with better textures and models, better functionality, is actually obtainable in survival and just better optimized. And as for them being obtainable in survival, I decided to make them possible by not your typical custom crafting recipes. Instead, I decided to add a more "interesting" way of getting them (mainly just cuz I'm too lazy to think of crafting recipes - a 3x3 grid doesn't give you much room for creativity).

#### About Project
Most of the furniture in this pack was originally made as props for me to make a render in the 3D software, Blender, as I've been trying to learn Blender lately. Thought they actually looked quite good so why not add them into MCPE as a pack? As for whether this addon will be updated, that depends on the demand as I prefer making car projects/addons as I just, like cars. Though if you'll enjoy/actually like the concept of this pack then I'll continue adding more stuff.

#### Addon details (30-10-21)
As highly requested, a block edition of this furniture pack is now available! Of course, however, since custom blocks are still a Minecraft Experimental Feature, the block version will require you to turn on certain Experimental Features in a world. (More about this will be explained further down in the “B) Block Version” section).

For those who have a phobia of turning on experimental mode (like me), you can still get this furniture pack in entity form.

Essentially there are 2 versions of this pack, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages.

#### Preview of furniture
Here are a few pictures of the furniture and accessories set together, followed by a list of all the furniture and accessories.

#### A) Entity edition (Does not require Experimental Mode)
This version contains a total of 45 pieces - (29 pieces of furniture, 15 accessories, and 1 machine).

"Furniture" in this pack are basically all your couches, chairs, shelves and other stuff you think of when hearing "furniture".

"Accessories" are items/static entities that can be placed on some furniture pieces like tables and shelves. Examples of accessories in this pack are TVs, PCs, game consoles, and many others. All the accessories are listed below in this article

"Machine" is basically the piece/object you need to craft in order to get all the furniture and accessories if you are in survival. You can also use this as an alternative way of getting them creative if you don't wanna search for them in the Creative Menu. More about this is below.

#### How to place accessories on furniture pieces (Only for Entity version)

It's pretty simple.

Step 1: Find the furniture piece that you want to put an accessory on. (Note that only some furniture can hold accessories and not all accessories can be placed on a certain piece of furniture - you can't put a TV on a coffee table; you can't put a PC on a chair)

#### How to color chairs (Only for Entity Version)
As of now, there are 2 chairs and 1 couch that can be colored into all 16 Minecraft colors. These are the chairs and couch that can be colored:

#### B) Block Edition (Requires Experimental Mode)
- Essentially has all the furniture and accessory pieces in the Entity Version, except the ceiling fan (will be added later with other new furniture pieces).

- All furniture and accessories (except WoodDuck Plush and Office Chair) are blocks.

- The chairs cannot be colored but instead are completely new blocks as a whole.

#### How to obtain them / How to get them in survival
Method 1 (Creative mode):

A) Entity Version

Get their spawn eggs from the Creative Inventory. They are classified as spawn/mob eggs.

B) Block Version

Get the blocks from the Creative Inventory. They can be found in the “Construction” section of the Creative Inventory.

Download: Umäk : Retro Furniture (Blocks and Entity) Mods for Minecraft PE
File Filesize
mcaddon - 907KB (Block Version)
885.86 Kb Download
mcaddon - 1.1MB (Entyly Version)
1.01 Mb Download


3 weeks ago

Nice mod!
