Item Physics

Item Physics

Published on February 14, 2023
By admin
👁️‍🗨️ 13329 3970 ❤️ 11


Item Physics Item Physics Item Physics Item Physics


A new addon has been released that adds 3D physics to the items in-game, making your experience even more realistic and immersive. This means that when you move or interact with objects in the game, they will respond realistically according to their size and weight - just like they would if you were playing in real life!
This makes building structures much easier as it allows for greater precision when placing blocks on top of each other or manipulating them into shapes. It also adds a touch of realism; now those TNT explosions feel even more satisfying as debris is sent flying around due to its mass and momentum! And don't forget about mining - now rocks can break apart depending on how hard they are hit, adding an extra layer of challenge (and fun) while digging up precious resources from deep underground.

If you want to have a more realistic vibe and experience something new, then give this a try. You will surely have fun using this!

Download this awesome addon today and start enjoying a whole new level of immersion with your favorite game – Minecraft!

How to use:

- Turn on Experimental Features

- Click the item to pick up or crouch to pick up all items nearby

Addon version:  2.0.6

Download: Item Physics Mods for Minecraft PE
File Filesize
mcaddon - 100KB
97.82 Kb Download


4 weeks ago

doesn't work. don't download

1 year ago

Doesn’t work
