Project PlayTime Addon Mob

Project PlayTime Addon Mob

Published on February 6, 2023
By admin
πŸ‘οΈβ€πŸ—¨οΈ 7389 1007 ❀️ 4


Project PlayTime Addon Mob Project PlayTime Addon Mob Project PlayTime Addon Mob Project PlayTime Addon Mob Project PlayTime Addon Mob


Hello, today I made an addon called project playtime, now the game is not out yet, but I thought it would be fun to make it early the only mob in this addon is boxy boo, now I don't really know what its official name, but everyone is calling it boxy boo, so yeah that's it

### Mobs:
#### [Boxy Boo]

- Health: 1600
- Speed: 0.29
- Attack Damage: 290

this is just a simple mob, this guy will turn into a box if he has nothing to do.
Have fun creating your project and don't forget to share it with us!
Download: Project PlayTime Addon Mob Mods for Minecraft PE
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