This add-on will increase the wilderness of nature, to make your world look a more natural and interesting place to play. It added more soil & rock patches to both surface & ocean floors. And increased the generation rate of grasses, flowers & other types of plants. This best use of a survival game.
#### Feature list:
- [Stone Patches] Stone patches are generated on the ground surface and can be found in all of the overworld biomes.
- Cobblestone Patch:
- [Mossy Cobblestone Patch]:
- Soil Patches: Soil patches are generated on the ground surface and can be found often with their specific biome.
- Mossy Cobblestone Rock: These rocks are generated on the top of the ground surface and can be found in all of the overworld biomes except Desert & Badlands.
- Bushes are generated on the top of the ground surface, can be found mostly in all of the overworld biomes except deserts, Badlands, & Oceans. And they spawn in different variations.
- Some of the trees will generate on different types of biome. They spawn infrequently, and can spot mostly in forest type biome.
- Tree Stump: Tree stump can generate high up to 1 to 3 blocks tall, and they are covered with vines. They can spawn in all of the overworld biome expect Desert, Badlands & Oceans.
- Fallen Logs: The normal fallen logs can generate long up to 2 to 5 blocks long, and the mega fallen logs had different variations. They can spawn in all of the overworld biome including oceans floors.
- More Grass Vegetation: Adding more grass vegetation.
- Tallgrass Vegetation:
- Fern Vegetation:
- Seagrass Vegetation:
- Wild Flowers:
don't work on edu